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On "traditional" tagging

I feel it is important to address this point, since I use the same surfaces and the same material in the tagging. Until a few months ago, I never paid much attention to the graffiti tags in my city. However, once I started taking notice, a whole new world opened up before me. I discovered the diversity of styles that graffiti artists express on walls and urban spaces. It is a visual language that, although it may go unnoticed by the average person, contains great expressiveness and creativity that deserves to be appreciated.

But for many citizens, tags are annoying or imperceptible. Therefore, I believe that instead of simply writing our names everywhere, it would be more positive and constructive to dedicate our efforts to beautify the streets with simple yet visually pleasing drawings. This way, we can contribute to create a more friendly and visually appealing urban environment for everyone.

On damaging private property

Although there are certain rules that I always respect, such as not damaging vehicles or doors of private homes, this is a complicated topic. My objective is to paint those parts of the street that do not belong to anyone in particular and, therefore, belong to everyone. Covering up an ad doesn't keep me up at night either, screw ads!
Also, part of the experience lies in finding the perfect spot. In less than a month, my city has become a canvas for me. So far, the garbage container are the best spaces I've found. They are in this ambiguous area, with no apparent owner and no one seems to care.

They have erased my flowers!!!

Every day I see horrible graffiti that no one has deigned to erase in years (swastikas, xenophobic or homophobic insults etc.), but I make some FUCKING flowers and they erase them in less than a week. Damn, this topic makes me angry.

Rest In Peace lost garden

They have recognized my work!!!

The other day I was painting a container and a couple approached me with a dog, the boy asked me if the roses he had seen lately were mine, we talked for a while, they told me that they thought what I was doing was pretty and I blushed.


Like flowers in winter, the cold has kept me inactive. I haven't gone out much, but with spring comes the desire to return to my drawings, a hobby that I have missed.

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